Monthly Archives: February 2010

A Servant’s Peace

Today is Groundhog’s Day. One of the more bizarre holidays that still winds up on our calendar. Yet, it is fun to imagine a large rodent could change the course of the weather for the coming weeks on a chance glance of it’s own shadow. Why it falls on the same day as the Presentation of our Lord or Candlemas, escapes me. If you know, please tell.

Reprinted from ELCA Sundays and Seasons:

The Presentation of Our Lord is referred to in some corners of the church as Candlemas because of an ancient tradition of blessing all the candles to be used in the church in the coming year at the mass celebrated on that day. It was a way of underscoring the truth of Simeon’s confession that this baby Jesus was “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” and a light for glory to Israel. Let the light of every candle in church be a little epiphany of the love of God for all people in the person of God’s son, Jesus, the light of the world.

Presentation of Our Lord
Forty days after the birth of Jesus we mark the day Mary and Joseph presented him in the temple in accordance with Jewish law. There they were greeted by Simeon, an aged priest who offered the song “Lord, now you let your servant depart in peace,” as well as by the prophet Anna, who spoke of the redemption of Israel.

I do love this story. It makes me happy to think of Simeon is at last at peace.

The Godly Play lessons during Advent and at Baptism brings out the Light. The Christ candle is lighted and sometimes we even turn the overhead lights off and bask in the candle glow. But my very favorite part is when the light is changed. Not put out. Not blown out. Not snuffed out.–but changed. The light of the tiny flame, that only can be seen or felt in that place and very close, changes into smoke that can fill the room and even seep out under the door. God’s presence transcends the tangible, spoken, reasonable and rationale to something invisible that fully surrounds us and sometimes we know it.

Indeed, Simeon be at peace! Rest is the light of presence.

And as for Puxatony Phil, whatever he has to do with this day, peace, too. Are the flashbulbs too bright for you? Sleep for six more weeks.

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Posted by on February 2, 2010 in Uncategorized